Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crazy Stuff Caught On Tape Really Crazy Stalker Help!?

Really crazy stalker help!? - crazy stuff caught on tape

IM's 10 Year, and this guy in grade 9 is completely obsessed with me. I was waiting for me, driveways and walks behind me and if I run faster on foot to catch up. I've never spoken with him. He knows my name, but in conversation with others about Misty called me that far from my name. I go by my many friends, boys and girls to him and tell him to leave me and I'm not afraid, but everything he says, "I'm schizophrenic" I've even had people threaten to leave me alone! But I stay and wait for my locker. also telling people that I am his girlfriend. (I only know that about him because he goes out to my friends and asked me for my answer, but then do not tell me when they) hear anything that moves, and I want to go to my teacher, but I am is not safe to believe that he could lie and say he does not know me and I have no real evidence for the band that I refused to walk behind me, and it may not matter. d you think I should do? reallyfreaking me out! Thank you very much!

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