Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy How Hard Is The Physical Therapy For A Partial Rotaotr Cuff Tear?

How hard is the physical therapy for a partial rotaotr cuff tear? - rotator cuff physical therapy

I have the surgery to repair a partially torn rotator cuff in his left shoulder. I had a shoulder surgery twice on my right shoulder. The first, which I had tendonitis, impact, and the document basically cutting my biceps tendon in half and they extended and screwed back in my shoulder. The second operation was just a shock and scar tissue was removed. I've never had problems with the rotator cuff, and I wonder if someone could tell me if physical therapy is difficult, after the operation. My friend told me he thought it was because it is more difficult to strengthen the muscles in the body construction. Can anyone help me with this?

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